What is Pelletizer
Pelletizer is a machine that makes pellets by converting the powdered raw material into spherical or rhombic form.
This product is used in the field of powder and granular materials, resulting in solidification fuel use, homogenization of materials, dust reduction effect, transportation cost reduction effect, volume reduction effect.

Pelletizer is divided into the STRAND PELLETIZER of the rhombic pellet and the PAN PELLETIZER of the spherical pellet according to the pellet shape.
STRAND PELLETIZER is an medium size with high initial investment cost but it has the advantage of saving maintenance cost because of efficient cooling system. PAN PELLETIZER is simple to configure and suitable for small size with low investment costs.
Strand pelletizer is a compression type coagulation facility, which is cut by a rotating blade when a high temperature melt is introduced, and the cut pellet is cooled by cooling water rotating by centrifugal force to form pellets. The resulting pellets will exit through the screen once they reach a certain size. It is possible to mass-produce quickly, the material is put into a closed space, the foreign matter is less inflow, and the cutting dust during work is also mostly removed by the cooling water, so the working environment is also clean.
It can be configured vertically or horizontally according to the direction of transfer of the melt.

The fan pelletizer is a non-compressible disc-type facility that continuously supplies binder and raw materials to rotating discs to produce pellets of the desired size. Through the spray system developed in-house, the binder is injected continuously as desired into the raw material. As soon as the material that is bound by the binder reaches a certain size by a disk rotating at a constant speed, it is distributed to the discharge chute by centrifugal force

Specification of Pelletizer

※ Detailed specification of PELLETIZER can be adjusted according to customer's requirement

Pelletizer Design Considerations

What type of pelletizer is suitable for the site?
Select the type and configuration of the pelletizer according to the customer's requirements. Accurate design considering easy transportation, dust minimization, raw material processing speed, etc., can effectively manage the production line.

Have you designed the pelletizer in consideration of the size of the pellet?
To maintain the quality and size of the product, the angle and speed of the fan are of paramount importance. If the angle is steep, the speed becomes faster and the retention time in the pen is shortened to produce a small size pellet. If the angle of the fan is easy to adjust with the jack, you can adjust the desired size at any time.

Have you considered the pleasant workshop?
Due to the nature of the pelletizer, powdery dust can be blown. It is directly related to the work environment of the worker to solidify the dust and to manage the environment around the workplace comfortably.

Can you improve your facility efficiency
Lumpy or powdered raw materials cause a lot of loss during processing, so using a certain shape of pellets reduces losses and increases process efficiency.

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